I have been blessed with amazing friends who have left behind comforts we dont even think of to minister to people far far away. I love hearing about these peoples lives and wanted to share the happenings!
April Soberg (ooops, her last name is now Martinez). She serves faithfully over in the Dominican Republic. I have been there three times so I am totally and completely biased towards this one country. Her husband is Columbian and they recently were approved a Visa for him to travel with April to the United States for the holidays. There are people in this country who are denied Visas for three or four years. No reason as to why, the country can just say no. So on their first attempt, God provided a miracle and she is able to bring her husband to her home country and spend some good time with her family soon. April's busy season just ended. They have work teams come from the states during the summer to work on the Young Life camp in Jarabacoa and then after those months, they have Dominican kids come for a week to enjoy a Young life camp. It is just like the camps we have here in the states. They are an amazing time of fun and fellowship where the kids learn about Christ. This camp is amazing - see told you I was biased! These kids are forced to grow up so fast and provide for their families so it is amazing that Young Life has provided a place for them for at least one week of their summer, they can act their age and there are no expectations placed on them. This is also April's fundraising time. She has a yearly need of about $30,000.00 That is 100% donor based. Please get in touch with me if you would like some more information about this need.
I also have a friend who is about to start his mission over in Afghanistan. Man I am excited to hear about that one!