Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ryland + Dry wall = Emergency Room

Ryland likes to play in the laundry room and unfortunately Tuesday night he had a left over piece of drywall fall over and bang him on the head and face and it cut his cheek open. It was not very wide but we were concerned with how deep it was. In the ER they decided to glue it up instead of stitch it up. It was almost comical at how relaxed he was and how upset we were. He did not cry as they poked his face to open his cut and he did not cry as they held his head and glued it back together. He is a are some pictures of his funny looking glue face :-)

This picture is proof that he does love to play in the laundry room and usually nothing very serious happens, he just gets stuck in some weird places!!!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Rylands Pictures

Ryland got his one-year pictures taken at the McCormick Railroad park. We are keeping most of them secret because they are Christmas gifts for our family so it would not be right to post them, then give them as gifts :-) But here is a sneak peak at a few....I couldnt help it because he is so darn cute!!!