I have been chewing over worship and worship styles for probably the last six months. I know what kinds of worship services I enjoy and what types I dont enjoy. But it bothers me that I can go to a place and be involved in worship and then walk away and know that I was not lead to really worship, or there was something going on that really hindered true worship. What is it? What is worship? What is "needed" in order to worship? It is wrong if I am unable to come to a place of true worship in all kinds of worshipping environments, if there are not doing something unbiblical or heretical? What if the music distracts me, or the musicians distract me, or the music is not congregational friendly? Am I being caught up in something that is really not important and it is my fault that I find some of these things a hinderance? For the last few months, I thought I was worshipping. It was a different place and a different experience, I was trying to adjust but felt I could fall before God no matter what the music sounded like or how loud things were. But after a few months I realized I was thirsty for worship? I didnt understand how that could be, I was currently involved in worship, yet I was hungry for worship. I went as a guest to a new place and found that I was able to fully let go and worship God again. At that point I realized I had not been worshipping in my other environment. Something is off, something is hindering me. So thats why I wonder, what really makes up worship, what elements are needed? Is is possible for something to be wrong or missing and it is a hinderance? Or is it me?
Hey 80.
This is a good post. I have had similar experiences many times in my life and what I have found is that the worship experience is directly correlated to my personal walk. When I feel God is close, my worship time is awesome no matter what or who is leading and vice versa.
Adr... You are cool & discontent & I like that & I want to start a church with you & your husband & all the others who don't feel we fit in & figure these things out as a living community. Is Thursday good for you?
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