Hello, my name is Adrienne and I work in Apache Junction. Yep good 'ol AJ. For anyone who has been to Apache Juntion, you are probably wondering, why the hell would you get a job out there? For anyone who has not been to AJ, count yourself lucky and stay far far away :-) Aj is such an interesting place. You take the 60 East until you pass all signs of civilization and then you are almost there. I started working out here in October, so at that time it was a mix of meth addicts and snow birds, which is a very weird combination. Now that it is 120 degrees plus, all the snowbirds are gone so what does that leave us? Meth addicts. I also get to really reach out to the culture because I meet with my clients in their home. For many of you, we grew up going on mission trips and the best part was if you got to do a homestay, my job is a cultural experience in home stays. I work in RV's, trailers, duplexes, and apartments and every once in awhile a home. Most places I visit have on average at least four animals. Some homes have dogs that will kill you. The most common smell is cigarrette smoke mixed with cat urine. Sometimes I get to come home with this smell. It may sound like I am totally dogging on AJ or my job, but in all actuality - I LOVE MY JOB! There is no other place I would want to work. When I get to AJ in the morning, all I can do is smile and sometimes laugh a little.
Praise the Lord for your work!
I love you too, but in a friend way. You are a rad chica also. I had a dream last night and you and Matt were in it. I miss you.
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