Friday, October 10, 2008

oil changes

i HATE getting the oil changed in my car. you go in for a $30.00 service and leave paying double or triple that. i am always being told that everything 30,000 miles i need to have the transmission flushed and the steering fluid. then there is the engine flush which is recommended. have you checked your air filter? because i dont know ANYTHING about cars, they hold all the power because they have the know-how and i dont. i want to take good care of my car, i want it to last as long as possible. i hate going and having to pay so much money!


Joel Mayward said...

I'm with you on that. Dropped $150 at Jiffy Lube last time, then had my car die on me 4 days later due to some random belt breaking. Not cool.

Kim said...

I so feel you on that one! That's why I make Scott take the cars in! He knows way more about cars than I do and he can decide if our cars need all that extra stuff done to them.

Anonymous said...

AHHHH! Here, here sister! I make Bill do all that stuff!

Holly said...

I KNOW what you mean! If you want any recommendations, we like and trust Big O Tires on Main and Power(cheaper for the oil change) and Sandy and Sons on Lindsay and McKellips for everything else! Hope that helps!