So I made a mom's group on yahoo groups, since it is free. Now all I have to do is invite people since right now it is not private. So everyone who wrote me about being interested in joining the group please send me your email and I will send you an "invite" to the group. The way I am hoping it will work is that each month someone will be assigned the month and they will pick one free activity and one paying activity and schedule it on the group calendar. I think this will work because one of the the reasons I wanted to join a group instead of starting one is because I am at such a loss when it comes to activites to do with little kids so we will all get a taste of what is out there from all the other moms. I am thinking we will try to get it up and running in November, just in time for the crazy holidays!!!! I am really excited about this and thank you to everyone who has been patiently waiting to see what I finally decided about all of this. This has been hard to commit to but I think it is going to be so worth it.
SO fun! CAn't wait! kabbiatti@cox.net
me too, jstilwell2@cox.net
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