Tuesday, September 09, 2008

update :-)

So someone was saying the other day that I was getting behind in my blog, which I do have to agree with and at first i complained and said I have nothing to really blog about!!! uhhmmm......oops, I guess I do. Matt and I are going to be having another baby!!! yeps I am preggers again. As of now we are due around April 30th. I am hoping for an early May baby but for all of those who know how I tend to go a little early instead of later, we'll see how that goes :-)


Anonymous said...

ya!!! I am sorry that you don't feel that great. :( Hopefully it will pass soon and you can enjoy your pregnancy! Great to chat today. I'll be praying you feel better. Are you guys gonna find out what the sex is?

Megan said...

Congratulations AD! This is really exciting news!!!!

Dana said...

get busy!!!


Holly said...

Congrats to you guys!! That's so exciting!

maventheavenger aka jamie said...


Gail and Steve said...

We will certainly keep our fingers crossed that you will carry full term. Wouldn't it be neat for you and Kim to deliver on the same day. I look forward to becoming a great auntie again.

Kim said...

Congrats!!! Hope you start feeling better. I'm not feeling too great either. No vomiting, though, (yet).